Our Missions

Our Mission
To make wellness, education and proper nutrition easily accessible to every community, adult and child in Brisbane!
Why is the world in need of wellness today ?
"On the whole we have increasingly poor nutrition and diet and are more unhealthy than ever" - says Dr Heber Ph.D, chairman of the Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Board. "This combined with other modern lifestyle factors such as stress and pollution could increase the risks of a variety of illnesses and obesity."
Vital Statistics
According to the national audit office report on tackling obesity the 4 most common health problems related to obesity are :
·                     High blood pressure
·                     Coronary heart disease
·                     Type 2 diabetes
·                     Certain cancers
The latest National health survey, prepared from Australian Bureau of Statistics 2007/08 reports that 68% of men and 55% of women were overweight or obese in 2007-08. While the study reported that 10% of boys and 6% of girls were overweight or obese.

Dietary factors are estimated to account for approximately 30% of all cancers in industrialized countries.

The Good News
Although this information is disturbing, there is good news. 
Since we are in control of our diet and activity level, we have the power to improve our immediate and future health. All we need is the right information and the desire to put it into action ! Join us at the Weight Loss Challenge to find our how!

The Community Weight Loss Challenge is backed by Herbalife International.Herbalife is a Proud Member of the Direct Selling Association and a Signatory to the DSA. Please click here to access the DSA Code of Ethics.