Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions or suggestions please, don't hesitate to contact us using the our contact form or call us on 04 2510 2488.
Are there any extra costs during the course?
No, the $50 covers your entire 12 week course (1 hour class, once a week) and includes 2 one on one consultations with your personal coach ! There are small penalties :
  • If you miss more than one class there is a penalty of $5
  • If you forget your folder there's a penalty of $1
  • And if you gain more than 1kg from your last weigh-in there's a whopping $1 penalty ! :-)
These penalties are designed to help motivate participants and are put into a bonus box which is awarded to the participant who loses the most cm in the 12 week Challenge !
Is there Exercise involved ?
Exercise is not part of the challenge classes, however one of the topics during the challenge is exercise and it's importance for both health and weight loss. The key for perfect body shape is regular exercise + balanced diet + water, so we do encourage the participant to find some form of exercise they enjoy.
What supplements do you recommend ?
From our experience and the experience of all the previous winners! we've found the Herbalife supplements to work ! The Challenge is great with or without the supplements but based on 8 WLC cycles we've found they accelerate results (weight loss and many other health benefits)
Is it a starvation challenge ?
Absolutely not ! The aim of the challenge is to provide information on good sources of balanced nutrition in an easy understandable way. The information is to empower you to maker better food choices. Getting the right balance helps to curb hunger and to manage your weight.
Do I need to bring anything ?
No, just your folder (which you get at registration). The scales we use can take a full reading only if you are barefoot so you might want to wear shoes & socks that are easy to slip on and off.
What if I can't stay for the class but want to get weighed & measured?
The Challenge isn't about getting weighed and measured. It is about changing our eating habits, achieving our individual targets and losing the extra weight for good. These results are achieved by participating in the classes. If a participant has completed one or more challenges they can book in for a weigh and measure outside class times.
What if I want to speak with a coach outside the class times ?
Each participant is allocated a personal coach. They get personal follow up, 2 one on one consultations (worth $100 but included in the $49 joining fee) and can contact their coach anytime with questions or difficulties.
Can I do more than one challenge ?
Absolutely ! Our target is a healthy 3 to 5 KG weight loss per month (this target changes according to your age, gender and activity level). If you've lost half your weight during your 1st 8 week cycle you can do another challenge back to back and keep on track to achieving your ideal weight and shape. There's a lot of information crammed into each class and many participants feel they get the full benefits only after they've heard the topics 2 or 3 times !
Can I bring a friend ?
We encourage participants to bring friends and relatives as we've found that by helping others it encourages the participant to be an example and accelerates their results. In previous challenges participants have brought their teenage kids, wives/husbands and siblings as they were so excited by what they had learn and how well they were feeling as a result of implementing their new knowledge.
We are running a Special promotion for you, If you bring more than 2 friends, we pay for your JOINING FEES!